Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tips for being a good nanny!

This blog is just some helpful tips for being a good nanny!
When working with children they exhaust you and take out all your energy so if you feel Hungry, Angry, Lost or Tired HALT this can help you:
  • Nanny sometimes needs a timeout
  • If you are starting to get stressed, irritated, or overwhelmed, STOP and take 6 deep breaths.
  • Always have good food on hand, for those incidents when the children are getting on your last nerves.
  • Do quiet time for 10 minutes but NEVER fall asleep.
  • Be willing and open for change in your plans.
  • If the kids are going crazy, take a break and do something else.
  • Have special activities planned that are for the times when the kids are getting on your last nerve.
  • If you get lost for what to do, ask the kids what they want to do.
  • If lost or confused ask the parents for advice, talk to them, always have open communication it is very key to being a professional, know what is important to the parent.
  • Bring indoors out and outdoors in.
Nannies always need self care:
  • Have 8-10hrs of sleep at least 3x a week
  • Eat 3x a day with one hot meal a day
  • You need protein, so always have some vegetables or nuts or some type of protein with you.
  • Take showers
  • Exercise
  • Do something that makes you happy.
  • Remember to laugh!
  • ALWAYS drink water!! 
Have me time: sleep, ignore face book and phone, read, listen to music, watch a special movie, take a bath with scented candles, throw blanket in the dryer, and always be prepared.
These are just some helpful hints in being a good, fun, professional nanny! 


Nanny Melanie!

1 comment:

  1. Great post and very helpful!!!! It is so cool to see how what we are learning in school will help us as we are professional nannies.
