Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Un-Packed Suitcase...

After about 2 months of living out a black suitcase, caring it from one house to the next, to camp and to conference...it finally gets un-packed and the contents inside get folded and placed on a shelf. The bag gets pushed into a corner for right now until the next time to travel.

As I looked at the empty suitcase and what was once an empty shelf now contains my neatly folded clothes, I feel a sense of accomplishment. I will no longer be living out of the suitcase nor going from house to house but staying in my own home, with my un-packed clothes.

When you look at a suitcase, many thoughts and emotions probably come to mind, such as; excitement, adventure, vacation, seeing and experiencing new things, peace, happiness, relaxation, family, friends, traveling to a new place, and memories...
These are what I'd consider common thoughts we think of when we see a suitcase...but this time, when i un-packed the suitcase, with the feeling of accomplishment still there, i felt other emotions, such as; nervousness, excitement for this journey, fear of the unknown, sadness, and thoughts of, "What is going on!", "This is for real!", "This is my life!", old memories, the past and the time before I left.
All these things went through my mind when I looked at the shelf filled with clothes and the once packed suitcase, that was with me the last 2 months...

As all these emotions went racing through my brain, the knowledge that God has me here for a reason comes racing faster then the other emotions. Yes there is fear of being here and sadness and nervousness... there is the feeling knowing that God brought me here for a reason...He has a purpose for me being over here and as hard as it is, God is growing, teaching and maturing me. He is helping me grow in who I am and in my relationship with Him! 

So as we all go through different things in our lives, He is molding and teaching us through them...and as hard and as scary as it is, there comes a time in all of our lives when we have to "un-pack' our suitcases. So whatever hardship you are going through now, know that God is with you and it is okay to "un-pack" and step out of what we know...God is with you through it all!           Joshua 1:9

Miss Melanie

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Loving Europe!

Well I decided to change my blog, so that I can share some of my adventures in Europe, just in case anyone is interested or cares!

Well let me start off by saying that Germany is BEAUTIFUL, if you ever have been here or get the chance to, you so should, it is well worth it.
It is definitely different then the states, but its definitely exciting, and each day comes with a new adventure. Ive always wanted to travel to Europe, and I've had that opportunity when I went to England when I was little, and when I went to Slovenia a few years ago...but I never ever thought that I would move to Europe, I just thought that it would be a place to visit...but now I find myself living here, how crazy is that!

Its funny how you "think" your life will go but then you have to remember that ONLY God holds your future, and I would rather have Him hold my future then it go the way I would "want" it to.

Anyways its crazy that I just moved all the way over here, leaving my family, my friends, my church, my kids that I work for...but even though that was extremely hard on me, I know that God has a big adventure for me here, and I'm excited to see what that adventure is!

It's very interesting here, I being a picky eater have had to as I've been told by family members... "Put my big girl panties on" And I have definitely done that, I have tried lots of new foods and done new things here! being partly nervous while doing that, I feel that I have done very well on trying new things!

*First off trying new sauces on my Schnitzel was a baby step, to trying new things!
*Second eating a slice of tomato, no not a big slice, but still a slice...we cant expect big things from me only a few weeks in!
*Riding a roller coaster was an adventure...and an adventure that I truly love and will continue to do, when given the opportunity!
* I was able to accomplish something off by bucket list, thanks to the help of a new friend here, I was able to ride a train, and did I love it!
*Also I've done other things, but right now cant think of them.

It definitely is interesting and different here, but I'm learning to adapt to it, they do things different then what I was use to, but different is good! You learn to get use to some public bathrooms not having a toilet seat, but being motion censored, so that it flushes and water sprays all over, and it startles you and you partly fall over..haha...Life can be crazy, but exciting!

So that's just a little snapshot of whats been going on lately in my life, since I moved over here!
I will continue to post about different experiences and moments that I have over here, just in case you want to follow what is going on!

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more interesting adventures that happen in Europe!


Miss Melanie!